Monday, March 30, 2015

Today I am starting a new journey in my quest to "feed my younguns". By feed my younguns I don't just mean physical food although that is a huge part of it. I mean feeding them with love, the love that comes from above, God's love. I have asked God what one thing I could do to bless my family. I felt God speaking to me to focus my energy and time on preparing supper for my children at home every night. This sounds like something that's a given that I should just do. Well its not something I do every night. I should but I don't and it costs my family money and time... Time that could be spent around the table soaking in my family and the events of their day that could bring me one step closer to them. I am determined to be a good mom from this day forward and it starts in the kitchen.
So what did I cook tonight for supper?.... …    1 baked chicken breast... Rice cooked with chicken broth.. Green beans... Cornbread.      Time to cook: approximately 30 min. In kitchen consecutively. Going to clean my kitchen now!